The human cost of austerity

‘Austerity’ is discussed by politicians and the media in terms of it being a proper response to the financial situation that British and for that matter world capitalism finds itself. It is all so reasonable and ‘scientific’. Austerity has become a ‘neutral’ word for the bosses and political leaders. Every now and then the true human cost of austerity is reported. George Scollan is just such a reminder of the human cost.
The disabled father of two died the day his factory, Remploy Springburn, in Glasgow, was closed in the name of austerity. It was only three weeks ago he was presented with an award to mark his forty years at Remploy.
He hardly ever had a day off. George was a respected worker. He fought to keep his job after the ‘ConDems’ announced its closure. He was a constant presence on the demonstrations set up as part of the campaign to save the factory.
A fellow Remploy worker said: “The Government are to blame for George’s death. This was his lifeline. At the end of the day, the Government shutting down places where disabled people work is a disgrace.”
Now those very people responsible for the closure are shedding crocodile tears for George and his family and colleagues.
Austerity is just not a financial response to a system in crisis, it is a source of human misery and a destroyer of human lives and should be opposed every step of the way.