Huge protests engulf the US to say no to Trump

Donald Trump’s inauguration saw millions take to the streets of cities across the US and worldwide on Friday 20 January, and especially on Saturday 21st. Among the biggest mass marches in US history, the dozens of international ‘Women’s marches’ against Trump on 21 January may have been the biggest single coordinated world day of protest since the movement against the Iraq war in 2003.
In the US, Socialist Alternative brought thousands out onto the streets in protests on Friday in cities across the country, before participating in the mass Women’s Marches on Saturday. More reports and analysis from the US will follow.
Internationally, as we reported previously, the CWI – in collaboration with Izquierda Revolucionaria and the Sindicato de Estudiantes in Spain and Mexico – organised actions in solidarity with the protests against Trump in over 25 countries, and participated in Saturday’s mass demonstrations.
Thousands protest Trump in Scotland
Over 2,000 people protested at the US consulate in Edinburgh on 21st January. Socialist Party Scotland activists ran out of leaflets and copies of the Socialist. In Glasgow, 1500 rallied on a freezing evening. The Socialist Party Scotland stall was inundated with interest.
Hundreds signed our petition calling for the building of a wall of resistance against Trump. Socialist Party Scotland members spoke at the rallies in Glasgow and Dundee. We called for a united movement against racism, sexism and all forms of discrimination. Build mass parties of the 99% internationally. Take the wealth off the 1%. Build a mass movement for socialist change.
Fourteen young people in Glasgow signed up for more information on the party. Protestors from the US were especially keen to engage, many having been inspired by Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution against the billionaire class.
Socialist Students at Glasgow University called a lunchtime protest.
Socialist Students and Socialist Party Scotland in Aberdeen were a vibrant red presence at the protest at the Wellington Suspension bridge.