Successful launch of Scottish UNISON broad left

Jim McFarlane – UNISON NEC (personal capacity)
The Scottish UNISON Socialist Network (SUSN) held a very successful and productive launch meeting in Glasgow, in early December, following a Scottish Council meeting of UNISON.
25 reps from branches across Scotland attended. Around double that number have now joined the network. There were activists in attendance from across all service groups who came together to build a broad left within the union.
The aims of the Scottish UNISON Socialist Network are :-
- Organising for clear, combative leadership on the use of industrial action to advance member’s interests
- The election of more full time officers within the union
- Demand no cuts budgets and a co-ordinated fightback in line with UNISON policy
- The democratisation of UNISON’s political funds to ensure financial support only goes to candidates and politicians who clearly support union policy and disputes
- To support and promote the union’s policy on a second independence referendum
Activists were in agreement on the need to build solidarity for workers in disputes, both those within our own union and those in other unions.
It is industrial action and the threat of industrial action that has helped recruit new members. We need to ensure that we organise to win over pay and for proper funding for all our services.
The need for a campaigning democratic broad left open to all that share its aims has become apparent over the recent period.
Workers in both the private and public sector have been forced into taking industrial action. UNISON needs to be at the forefront of ensuring our members, branches and service groups are prepared and resourced properly to fight for what they deserve.
Our employers have meekly passed on the Tory cuts and accepted the argument that they don’t have the money to offer improved pay that meets the increased cost of living.
SUSN are also organising to support left candidates for the forthcoming National Executive Council (NEC) elections in the new year.
The meeting agreed to support Socialist Party Scotland members and SUSN supporters Jim McFarlane for the Scottish male seat and Mary McCusker for one of the two female seats. Support from other left candidates was also agreed.
The network is looking to organise a democratic conference in the new year to elect office bearers and agree a constitution.
If you are a UNISON Scotland member interested in more information or wanting to get involved you can email your contact details to