Public Meeting: Fighting the cuts then and now.

Tony Mulhearn, one of the leaders of the socialist Liverpool Council during their epic struggle againist the Thatcher government, is speaking at a Socialist Party Scotland meeting in Glasgow on Wednesday 26th June (see below for more info). Tony was one of the 47 councillors who refused to bow the knee to the Tories and led a mass fightback that securced £30 million for the city.
Between 1983 and 1987 the Liverpool 47 council built thousands of council houses, many new sports centres and nurseries and created thousands of jobs. What a contrast to the spineless approach of Labour and SNP councillors and MSPs today, who to a man and a woman have passed on the ConDem cuts to the people they are supposed to represent.
The lessons of the Liverpool struggle are as relevant today as they were 30 years ago. More than ever we need political representatives prepared to fight cuts, not implement them. The need to build a mass working class party to offer that alternative is vital and neccessary. The Socialist Party Scotland has pioneered over the last few years the standing of anti-cuts, pro trade union and socialist candidates in elections.
Next Wednesday’s meeting will also have speakers from organisations that are leading the fight against ConDem austerity including the PCS union, Scottish Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation and Socialist Party Scotland. Come along and help us build a fightoing anti-cuts and socialist alternative to the bosses parties and the capitalist system.
Fighting the cuts then and now
Liverpool 1983-1987. When 47 socialist councillors refused to make cuts…and why we need more of the same today.
Wednesday 26th June 7.30pm Piper in the Square Pub, George Square, Glasgow
Speakers include
Tony Mulhearn – Liverpool 47
Cheryl Gedling – PCS NEC member (personal capacity)
Scottish Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation
Socialist Party Scotland