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Organise! Unionise! Join the youth revolt against capitalism

Lucas Grant, Youth Fight for Jobs campaign

The ongoing succession of workers’ struggles in the UK over pay, working conditions, and the ever-deepening cost of living crisis has inspired many into getting organised, this is of course true for young people also.

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has seen a massive influx of people accessing their “Join a union” webpage, especially during the days of strike action undertaken by the RMT.

In the next few months we are very likely to see these struggles and resultant increase in interest in trade unions continue.

Years of wage stagnation and out of control inflation has doubtless spurred many into action and provoked dissatisfaction with capitalism as a whole for some. 

These most recent disasters of capitalism have truly highlighted the inadequacies of the system and the need for socialism.

Never have we before seen the levels of poverty and chaos currently prevalent in the UK. Young people have been overwhelmingly affected by these events. 

The minimum wage jobs often held by young workers provide completely inadequate wages and protections.

Young people who are independent or otherwise lacking in financial safety are experiencing the crushing effects of sky-rocketing fuel bills, inflation in prices of essential items, while dealing with some of the comparatively lowest wages ever.

Apprentices and 16 and 17-year-olds are currently on £4.81 an hour, with 18-20s on £6.83, 21 and 22-year-olds on £9.18, and finally all those older on £9.50 per-hour.

The cost of living doesn’t get cheaper the younger you are, a fact that the proponents of capitalism seem to be blind to, that or that they simply do not care. 

Fighting capitalism is always important, but this cannot be done unless we organise.

Socialist Party Scotland has organised several important steps in this direction. For young people, we have re-launched Youth Fight for Jobs campaign.

This campaign demands serious increases to employment terms and conditions for young workers, including the increase of the minimum wage to £12 and hour on the road to fighting for a £15 an hour minimum wage across the board regardless of age or any other factor.

We also fight for a programme of mass job creation and public ownership and workers’ control of the economy.

It is vital for young people to join unions and fight within them to transform them into true fighting organisations of the working class. 

To get involved in the fight against capitalism and fight for socialism, join Socialist Party Scotland.

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