Committee for a Workers InternationalFeatured Articles

80 years since the murder of Leon Trotsky – online rally

Alongside Marx, Engels and Lenin, Leon Trotsky was one of the most important leaders of the Marxist movement that emerged as a mass force in the early 20th century.

He was a co-leader alongside Lenin of the October 1917 Russian revolution, the first successful socialist revolution that put the working class in power by overthrowing capitalism and landlordism.

Trotsky’s contribution to the revolutionary socialist movement was immense. He fought not only capitalism but also the rise of Stalinism – the bureaucratic reaction that followed the isolation of the Russian revolution.

Trotsky was murdered in Mexico by a Stalinist agent in August 1940. He left a tremendous legacy in terms of defending Marxist ideas, theory and programme that Socialist Party Scotland continues to fight for today.

The global economic crisis and the pandemic is causing mass misery for millions around the world not seen since the 1930s.

The mass movement which has erupted around the Black Lives Matter movement and other protests and strikes show the bitter anger which exists and demand for an alternative to capitalism and racism.

Hear what the Committee for a Workers’ International and Trotskyism has to say about the Black Lives Matter movement, the need to build combative fighting trade unions and a mass socialist alternative.

Join us and rally on Sunday 23 August 2pm BST. Register for information to attend on

Socialist Party Scotland is part of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), a global organisation of international socialists.

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