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Strathclyde Uni Pensions Attack – Support the Unite workers strike

Build a mass campaign of trade unions and
students to defend pensions at Strathclyde Uni
Open the books to democratic trade union inspection. No trust in university management
Scottish government must fully fund HE

For free education – abolish all fees, scrap
student debt and a living student grant for all
Build a trade union based mass workers’ party
Fight for socialist change

Socialist Party Scotland and Socialist Students gives full support to the strike of Unite members at Strathclyde University against attacks on workers pensions.

Turnout at the first week of pickets has been excellent and alongside the UCU strike action at Dundee University against job cuts – workers in higher education are showing the way forward and that they wont be forced to pay for the crisis in universities.

Unite members correctly threw the shameful proposal of increases in one-off and ongoing pension contributions as part of the proposed transfer into an inferior superannuation scheme last week back at management with determined strike action.

The attempt by Strathclyde bosses to move away from the Strathclyde Pension Fund is rightly described by Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham as “nothing but a shameful cash grab on the pensions of hard working and loyal workers some of whom have spent their whole working lives at the university”.

Strathclyde is joining Dundee and other University management’s in attacking workers and University facilities to the detriment of higher education. Unite’s figures show the real financial situation at Strathclyde. The University has a surplus, reserves and high pay for executive management.

But is determined to attack those who keep the campuses running.

Strike action will directly impact on cleaning and maintenance services along with the security of buildings and student residences. Trades staff taking strike action will directly lead to a lack of joiners, electricians and plumbers who deal with leaks, lighting and gas issues in university buildings. Technicians involved in strike action will further impact on student learning in labs.

That’s why lecturers and students must fully support the strike of low paid Unite members. They should support and respect picket lines.

If Strathclyde Students Union fails to support campus trade unions – students should look at setting up a committee – trade union led to support the action by Unite. Mass walkouts and protests that aid the strike  should be considered.

As well as fighting for decent pension scheme and pay that meets the cost of living.

The trade unions have a key role to play in also building mass political pressure on the SNP Scottish government to step in and fund the deficit – in  higher and further education.

 Unions should demand the opening of the books to democratic workers’ and student oversight. Let’s see where the money has gone.

Socialist Party Scotland demands the removal of top university managements and for the running of universities by democratically elected committees of staff, students and the local community in the interests of society as a whole, not to make profit for wealthy investors and pay vice chancellors’ bloated salaries.

Socialists   argue for  putting staff and students in charge of decision-making on campus, not profiteers or vice chancellors. And that means a break with capitalism. We fight for a socialist education system, not underfunded and crumbling unis and colleges.

The trade unions have a key role to play in also building mass political pressure on the Scottish government to step in and fund the £35 million deficit – in significant part due to the cuts imposed on higher education funding by the SNP-led administration at Holyrood. There is no way that the workers should pay the price of government underfunding, bosses mismanagement and an unsustainable funding model.

Unions should demand the opening of the books to democratic workers’ and student oversight. Let’s see where the money has gone. 

build a mass workers’ party

Of course, the lack of a political alternative makes it easier for Labour, the SNP and all the capitalist parties to pass the buck off to one another.

A new mass workers’ party could immediately change this by declaring common cause with student and campus staff and campaigning for a fully funded education system – without fees and cuts. Enormous profits are extracted from the products of publicly funded research, and this money should help open more spaces for working class students instead of lining the bosses’ pockets.

Equally, further education will prove invaluable in dealing with pressing problems such as the housing crisis or the need for a socialist transition to reduce carbon emissions.

Both of these problems require more vocational training in construction and engineering.

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