International Women’s Day 2013

Abortion Rights – Never off the agenda
On Sunday 28 October Savita Halappanavar, a 31 year old woman from India, died in Galway University Hospital in Ireland. She had been admitted one week earlier with severe back pain. Savita was miscarrying and, with the neck of her womb open, doctors said there was no hope for the 17 week oldfoetus. For three days Savita was in agony, she asked for a termination several times but this was denied due to the presence of a foetal heartbeat. Her husband Praveen says that they were told no, “this is a Catholic country.”
This is a tragic reminder of the importance of having access to legal and safe abortions. Every year on average 70,000 women die around the world from back street abortions.
Here in the UK we have faced many attempts over the years to undermine our right to choose. Just last October Maria Miller, the minister for women, stated she would like a 20-week limit instead of the current 24, quickly followed by Theresa May and David Cameron agreeing. But it is Jeremy Hunt, as health secretary, who is keen to reduce the current limit to just 12 weeks! In an interview with the Times said: “Everyone looks at the evidence and comes to a view about when they think that moment is, and my view is that 12 weeks is the right point for it. It is just my view about that incredibly difficult question about the moment that we should deem life to start.” He added: “I don’t think the reason I have that view is for religious reasons.”
However in Scotland our own Health Secretary, Alex Neil was less than reassuring about his defence of our current abortion rights. He claimed “I do think there is a case to be had for a reduction from 24 weeks, but I don’t know if 12 weeks is realistic, frankly.” He went on to argue that there was some new scientific evidence to back up his claims.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists published a report quite recently saying they saw no reason to change the term limit and they don’t believe there’s been any significant improvement in the survival or viability rates for pre-term babies.
The reality is that almost 90% of abortions take place in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and contrary to the hype, late abortions are very rare with only 1.6% of abortions in the UK happening after 20 weeks – and they need compelling reasons to carry out abortions.
However, it is crucial to defend 24 weeks’ time limit, as many women who seek late abortions are in extremely vulnerable situations, including very young women, who often don’t recognise the symptoms and women who are menopausal with irregular periods. Also, some medical conditions cannot be detected before 21 weeks gestation.
Women from many backgrounds, but particularly working class women, understand that safe, free and legal abortion is a life and death issue. Tory cuts in abortion rights would lead to potentially fatal backstreet alternatives.
We need to fight all and any attempt turn back the clock on these hard fought for right to choose!
- The right for all women to have full control over when and whether to have children. End the need for two doctor’s agreement. Protect and improve abortion services.
- Access to free fertility treatment on the NHS for all those who need it
- Access to free, safe contraception including emergency contraception; a reversal of the cuts in family planning services and a massive investment into sympathetic youth advisory centres.
- A living minimum wage that reflects the real cost of living and investment in job creation
- A network of publicly funded, good quality, flexible childcare facilities