SNP launch proposals for independence

The SNP government in Scotland has marked St Andrew’s day by presenting a “white paper’ which sets out its case for a fully independent Scotland. This is to be followed in early 2010 by a parliamentary bill allowing for a referendum on Scotland’s constitutional future, which will include a question on independence.
However, the majority of MSPs, at this stage, are opposed to a referendum on independence and there is little chance of a referendum bill being passed by the Scottish parliament before the next Scottish elections in 2011. The SNP have therefore made it clear that they are not opposed to a third question in a referendum that gives the option of extending the powers of the parliament – but which falls short of full independence. This option has majority public support according to all opinion polls at the moment.
Meanwhile, Gordon Brown’s Westminster government have accepted most of the recommendations of the Calman commission that proposed extending the powers of the Scottish parliament. The centre piece of which is making the Scottish parliament responsible for the setting of income tax in Scotland beyond the first 10p in the pound that will be set at a UK level, as well as some other limited powers. The Tories have responded by agreeing that if they win the general election they will bring forward their own proposals for strengthening the devolutionary powers of the parliament.
What is clear is that the “first phase” of devolution in Scotland and Wales has come to an end. All the main capitalist parties now favour, to one degree or another, a change to the 1999 devolutionary arrangements that were established, primarily, to protect the strategic interests of British capitalism – of which the union forms an important part.
With a Westminster general election a few months away, this flurry of activity from the political establishment reflects partly a manoeuvring for maximum political advantage. But it is also a realisation that the current devolutionary arrangements have lost support, largely because the various pro-capitalist governments have failed to solve the problems of working class communities. This is reflected in growing public support for more widespread powers for the Scottish parliament. Added to this is a growing fear by the pro big business political elite that a resurgence of nationalist feelings will follow the next general election.
If Tory leader David Cameron were to win an outright majority next year it would inevitably lead to a powerful resurgence of nationalism in Scotland, particularly as the Tories are only likely to get 2 or 3 MPs elected in Scotland. It would be seen as a return to the ‘dark days’ of the1980’s and 1990’s, when the Tories were left with a rump in Scotland, but a Tory government held power across Britain as a whole.
Margaret Thatcher’s refusal to countenance any concessions to the democratic rights of the people of Scotland or Wales played a key role in undermining the Tories electoral support. By 2007 there was not a single Tory MP left in Scotland. It also increased the clamour for constitutional change. David Cameron, not wanting to make the same mistake, has promised to meet Alex Salmond within days of becoming prime minister to discuss what extra powers could be granted to Scotland.
There is an increasingly powerful mood to stop the Tories coming to power. The memory of Thatcherism, with the economic and social carnage that came in its wake, is still strong, particularly among the older generation. Many working class people in Scotland will vote at all costs to try and stop the return of a Tory government. Even if that means holding their noses and voting Labour. Recent polls have shown that Labour support is growing substantially in Scotland, as the recent Glasgow North East by election underlined. However, this does not reflect any enthusiasm for the big business friendly policies of the Brown government.
Under these conditions, a Tory government, while attempting to implement an all-out war on public spending and the working class generally, will themselves have to make concessions on the national question and offer talks over extending the powers of the parliament. Even if the nightmare of a Tory government is avoided this would not resolve the political crisis that may ensue. At a certain stage against this backdrop, and perhaps following the 2011 Scottish general election, the pressure for a referendum on the constitutional future of Scotland may prove impossible to avoid.
The capitalist crisis is devastating all sectors of the economy in Scotland. Growth rates are due to shrink by 5% this year, an even bigger decline than during the worst period of the Thatcher era between 1980-81. All the capitalist parties, including the SNP, (see article below) are committed to policies of the slashing and burning of public services, jobs and working conditions.
The International Socialists supports a parliament in Scotland with full economic powers to tackle the economic crisis. That means the power to nationalise the banks and other industries threatening job cuts and closures, the power to increase the minimum wage, pensions and benefits, end privatisation and get rid of Trident nuclear weapons. We also need to build a mass working class party committed to socialist policies to fight for the interests of the working class and champion the building of a socialist Scotland that would take its place as part of a voluntary socialist confederation alongside England, Wales and Ireland as a step to a socialist Europe.
SNP: a party of cuts
The SNP have been working very hard in the last few months to distance themselves from the massive public spending cuts that are being carried out now and will be accelerated after the general election in 2010. Alex Salmond is trying to position the SNP as the ‘defender’ of public services, stating, “The only disagreement between the Liberal, the Labour party and the Tories is how savage the cuts are going to be and the timescale on which the cuts are to be implemented.”
He could have added that the SNP are also going to try and make the working class pay for the economic crisis. The Scottish budget is being cut by £500 million next year and up to £2.5 billion over the next four years, but it is the SNP who will largely be taking the axe to jobs and public services in Scotland.
The SNP minority government has already been implementing their own cuts, disguised as efficiency savings, over the last year. A large part of the SNP’s programme for government remains gathering dust on the shelf, including the scrapping of the council tax and the abolition of student debt. At local government level, SNP-run councils, like Labour-led councils, have moved quickly to cut jobs and services. In Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Fife, the Lib Dem/SNP coalitions have cut hundreds of council workers jobs, closing schools and axing other council-run facilities. The SNP/Liberal coalition council in Edinburgh has put forward ‘options’ for filling a £247 million deficit that include, cutting the workforce by up to 2,000 staff; every council department having to make a 12% slashing of frontline costs and outsourcing and privatisation of key frontline services including refuse collection, street cleansing, park teams and building maintenance.
In Dundee and Edinburgh, the SNP supported using private refuse companies to undermine local authority bin workers who have been taking industrial action – showing that when put to the test they are prepared to undermine basic trade union rights. Moreover, it is clear that there is not the slightest intention by the SNP to stand up to New Labour, or a Cameron-led Tory government and refuse to make the savage cuts that are being prepared.
At a time when Royal Mail workers were taking strike action to defend jobs and fighting against the threat to privatise the service, the SNP handed an £8 million contract to TNT, the Dutch privatised mail service, to deliver all second class mail from the Scottish government.
Adopting the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly’s defence of, “A big boy did it and ran away!” is not going to get the SNP off the hook. The SNP is guilty of effectively being handed a loaded gun and instead of refusing to turn and fire on working class communities, the SNP are pulling the trigger, while blaming the people who handed them the gun in the first place.
Genuine left opposition needed
If the SNP were a genuine left party, prepared to stand up for working and hard pressed middle class families in Scotland, they would refuse to make these cuts and play a role in building a mass campaign of defiance demanding the resources to defend vital jobs and services.
This was the approach that Liverpool City Council took between 1983 and 1987, when it refused to make cuts demanded by the Thatcher government. Militant, the forerunner of the Socialist Party in England and Wales and the International Socialists in Scotland, played a leading role in that struggle by mobilising the working class and the trade union movement in a mass campaign that won concessions and extra resources for the city. The outcome was a transformation in housing conditions and other important reforms for working class people.
The SNP could be lacerating Brown and the capitalist establishment for spending over £1 trillion on bailing out the capitalist system, supposedly necessitating a public spending onslaught. They could be explaining that if the government can spend that amount of money to defend their system they can come up with the relatively small amounts needed to invest in a real recovery programme, creating jobs and expanding public services – instead of cutting them.
However, the SNP, whose leadership are pro-capitalist to their core, cannot foresee anything other than implementing a savage cuts agenda. They will rightly blame Brown and Darling for handing on reduced funding for the Scottish government, but cynically, while having no interest in fighting the cuts, the SNP leaders hope to make political capital to increase support for the SNP.
The SNP leadership supported, without criticism, the banking bailouts, not least because the main beneficiaries were the darlings of the SNP, the big Scottish banks of the effectively insolvent HBoS and RBS. Alex Salmond was a former economist at RBS and leading Scottish bankers also sit on the SNP government’s economic advisory committee.
There was not a word of criticism from the SNP leaders at their recent conference over the behaviour of the bankers. Alex Salmond, only two weeks before HBoS was saved by the public purse, claimed the bank was a “well capitalised and a good, sound business.” Salmond fared no better in his analysis that the ideal model for a future independent capitalist Scotland would be the self-styled “arc of prosperity,” which was to involve Ireland, Iceland, Scotland and Norway. All that is left now of this fantasy is a blackened, smouldering wreck of collapsed banks, economic recession, mass unemployment and draconian attacks on working class people. Only Norway has survived relatively unscathed, for now.
Working class communities, trade unionists fighting the onslaught against jobs and working conditions and young people facing a future of mass unemployment need a political party to represent them, The SNP cannot play that role, and clearly Labour and the rest of the establishment parties are also a dead end. The building of a working class party, based on a significant layer of trade union activists and left unions nationally that can attract a new generation of class fighters, is urgent.
The International Socialists (CWI in Scotland) supports all steps towards the building of an independent voice for the working class. We are involved in the RMT (rail union) led initiative to put together an electoral pact in time for the Westminster general election. We played a key role in Tommy Sheridan and Solidarity’s election campaign in the recent Glasgow North East.
In the process of the formation of new parties to represent the working class, it is also vital to build a strong Marxist core to help strengthen and give political guidance to these new parties. It is these tasks, alongside fighting to build working class opposition to the economic recession, which the International Socialists turn to with energy.