PCS puts opposition to cuts centre stage of independence debate

By Philip Stott
The Public and Civil Service Union (PCS) has voted overwhelmingly to put opposition to all cuts at the centre of the debate on the referendum on Scottish independence. As PCS national president Janice Godrich explained, “PCS informs – you decide” will mean taking our arguments – for an alternative to austerity, for properly resourced public services, for jobs, for fairness – to all sides of the constitutional debate in the run up to the referendum and beyond.”
PCS branches in Scotland voted overwhelmingly at a special consultative conference on Saturday that the union would not make a recommendation to its members about how to vote on September 18th 2014. Following weeks of branch consultations, debates and mandating meetings 18,025 backed the no recommendation proposition, 5,775 supported calling for a Yes vote and, significantly, there was 0 votes for the No position.
PCS assistant general secretary Chris Baugh opened the well attended conference on Saturday. Chris described the consultation process in the union as “the most democratic consultation of any trade union in Scotland.” Chris explained that whatever the outcome of the conference, PCS would seek to put centre stage in the independence debate opposition to all cuts, an end to welfare “reform” and a decent social security system, repeal of the anti-union laws, tax justice and support for public ownership.”
Scottish secretary Lynn Henderson, in moving the no recommendation proposition, emphasised that it was “not a neutral position, its a campaigning position and an active engagement in the debate around the referendum on PCS industrial demands.”
Deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon spoke in favour of the Yes position. She argued that under independence Scotland could be a “progressive beacon” in tackling social inequality. “The big issue at the heart of this debate is not that that Scotland is not a wealthy country, but why don’t people share in that wealth. Voting for independence is the only way to change this.”
Neil Findlay, a left Labour MSP, argued for the No position. He is chair of the PCS group in the Scottish parliament. He began by pointing out that “on the four occasions that the PCS has had a picket line at the Scottish parliament, I have never crossed it, and never will. This was a reference to the fact that SNP ministers have routinely crossed PCS picket lines on strike days. “This debate is not about borders and flags, it’s about class and community.” He went on to attack the SNP for proposing to cuts taxes for big business under independence.
It was very significant that none of the 82 PCS branches in Scotland were prepared to support the No position. This reflects the overwhelmingly anti-working class platform of the Better Together campaign, led by the Con-Dem parties and the Labour party who have moved to the right and accept the logic of continual austerity. The campaign of “Project Fear” is having little effect thus far, as the opinion polls indicate a continued increase in support for independence, following Osborne, Alexander and Balls coordinated refusal to allow an independent Scotland to use the pound.
The doubts among PCS members in backing a Yes vote reflects the different views among working class people generally. It’s also, crucially, a reflection of the SNP’s pro business approach that seeks to make an independent Scotland a bastion for business interests, while also promising to reduce social inequality at the same time. That is a circle that cannot be squared. Only decisive social measures can offer a way forward for the working class under independence.
This vote will allow the union to play a central role in advocating and campaigning for a pro-working class, trade union and anti-cuts voice during the referendum debate. Left Unity, the socialist grouping in the PCS that Socialist Party members play a leading role in, supported a Yes position and will continue to encourage PCS members to vote Yes in September.