General election called – Tories Out!

Hated prime minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4 July. Millions will relish the opportunity to register the hatred of the Tories at the ballot box. But Keir Starmer’s Labour doesn’t fight for our interests. Nor does the SNP who in power in Scotland for 17 years have proven to be incapable of standing up to the Tories and fighting for the working class.
The working class is therefore going into this election without its own mass political voice. But we can still fight for workers’ interests and for a socialist alternative to capitalist crisis and war.
Socialist Party Scotland members will be standing in the general election – as our sister party in England and Wales will do as well. We’ll be standing as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.
Come along to the Scottish TUSC conference on Saturday June 1 in Glasgow in the Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street.
Come and discuss with the Socialist Party Scotland
The Socialist Party meets cities across Scotland. We want to discuss with all those looking for a socialist alternative to the Tories, Starmer’s Labour and the SNP.
- Want to find out more about joining Socialist Party Scotland? Click here