Come to the Scottish anti-cuts conference Saturday 29th January

Billions in bonuses for bankers – Savage cuts for the rest of us
Why is it that the rich bankers who triggered the economic crisis are being rewarded with massive bonuses? Why are ordinary people facing cuts in our living standards, jobs and the services we rely on?
The ConDem government in Westminster is stuffed full of MPs and ministers who used to work for banks. 18 members of the cabinet are millionaires. They are happy to see their banking friends raking in an estimated £7 billion in bonuses this year alone.
At the same time the same government is attempting to carry out £81 billion in cuts. And it’s the benefits of the poor, our schools, hospitals and services that are facing the axe.
David Cameron says it’s wrong to “bash the banks.” But he’s quite happy to bash workers jobs, wages and working conditions.
How can the bankers be stopped ? That needs socialist measures to end the dictatorship of the billionaires over the billions. For a start the whole banking sector should be nationalised under the democratic control of the working class as a whole and accountable to society generally. Then we could sack the fat cat bankers and control wages and bonuses so that they reflect the real life of ordinary people.
At the same time we urgently need united trade union action to stop the savage cuts planned by the ConDem government and Labour and SNP politicians as well.
2011 will see the biggest cuts in public spending since before 1945. As well as building the biggest trade union demonstration ever on 26th March, the unions must now plan for at least a one day coordinated general strike to take this government head on.
Trade unionists, anti-cuts campaigners and local communities are organising to oppose the cuts. On 29th January in Glasgow the Scottish anti-cuts alliance is going to be launched (see below) aimed at building a united campaign of mass opposition to the cuts.
Encourage your union, anti cuts campaign or community campaign to attend the conference on the 29th January and lets build a movement that will stop the ConDem government of millionaires in their tracks.
No to all cuts – make the bankers pay for their crisis
Build a united campaign of trade unions and communities to fight the cuts
Elected politicians should oppose ALL cuts and set ‘needs budgets’ to protect jobs and services
Scottish anti-cuts conference
Saturday 29th January 1.30pm
Glasgow Unison Offices, 18 Albion Street
Speakers include:
Janice Godrich – PCS national president
Brian Smith – Secretary Glasgow City Unison