Scotland’s trade unions condemn repression in Catalonia

Philip Stott reports
The Scottish Trade Union Congress’ annual conference today unanimously backed a motion from Glasgow Trades Council in defence of the right of the people of Catalonia to self determination.
The motion agreed at the STUC called for the “immediate release and acquittal of all political prisoners”.
It also condemned the SNP-led Scottish Government and the Labour Party for its “deafening silence” while the “Spanish state continues to implement repressive measures in Catalonia.”
It highlighted that “workers have been central to resisting the violence and repression of the Spanish state, culminating in general strikes on 3 October and 8 November 2017”
Seconding the motion, Unison NEC member Jim McFarlane – also a member of Socialist Party Scotland – commented: “It is our right and duty to defend the democratic right of Catalonia to decide their future as we did in the 2014 Scottish referendum.”
“The repression and imprisonment of elected Catalan politicians, musicians and artists is an outrage and should be condemned.
“The state violence used on the streets against peaceful protesters should be condemned.
“Our sister trade unions in Catalonia are the biggest and potentially most powerful democratic organisations and have a key role in setting the agenda and defending democratic rights.
Jim highlighted the role of the general strikes in Catalonia in 2017 in opposition to repression, including those of the students, and added: “The sight of firefighters protecting peaceful protestors from police attacks should be applauded.
“The role of teachers defending Catalonian language rights should be applauded.
“The regime of the 1978 Francoist constitution should not be used to suppress democratic rights.
“The silence of other western governments and the EU is outrageous.”
Jim McFarlane is also one of many trade unionists from Scotland who have signed the solidarity motion (see below) in support of the general strike called by the Students Union in Catalonia for April 26th.
- In support of the student strike called by Sindicat d’Estudiants on 26 April
For democracy and freedom for the people and youth of Catalonia!
Enough with Francoist repression! Down with Article 155!
We the undersigned want to show our solidarity and support to the youth and people of Catalonia who are victims of repression by the PP government and state apparatus.
We demand an end to the application of Article 155 of the Constitution, the re-establishing of the democratic rights which have been supressed in Catalonia, and end to the judicial proceedings and criminalisation of organisations which support a Catalan Republic, and the freedom of all political prisoners.
The struggle of hundreds of thousands of workers and young people in Catalonia is an example and inspiration. We offer all our support to the student general strike called by the Sindicat d’Estudiants for 26 April in defence of democracy for Catalonia.
Prou repressió franquista! Llibertat presos polítics!