Youth unemployment scandal condemned

Where is the bailout for our young people ?
Jim McFarlane the Dundee West Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (STUSC) candidate and a member of the International Socialists today described as a “disgrace” the soaring levels of youth unemployment in Scotland.
On the day first day of the STUC conference in Dundee, figures have been produced that show a massive 89% increase in youth unemployment in Scotland among 18 to 24 years olds in just the last two years.
On average 9 young Job Seekers Allowance claimants are chasing every vacancy in Scotland. In some areas it is as high as 22 for every vacancy.
Jim McFarlane said: “ It’s a disgrace that young people in Dundee and across Scotland are bearing the brunt of an economic crisis that they are not responsible for creating. This government have spent £1 trillion is bailing out failed banks and rushing to rescue their friends in big business. But where is the bail out for our young people to provide decent jobs, proper training and a living wage? The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition is demanding a massive programme of investment in job creation for young people to provide the type of socially useful jobs we desperately need. “
Luke Ivory from the local campaign group Youth Fight for Jobs said “All the main parties seem incapable of offering a solution to the crisis of youth unemployment, that is now reaching desperate levels. They are all promising savage cuts in public spending which will create more unemployment and huge cuts in education funding. We need a government that is prepared to invest in jobs, training and education not cut them to the bone. That’s why I, and the Youth Fight For Jobs Campaign in Dundee are pleased to be supporting the Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.”