Join Socialist Students and fight for the future

Oisin Duncan, Glasgow University Socialist Students
Our generation is filled with a growing anger with this rotten system. Mass student climate strikes and movements fighting tyranny have swept Chile, Lebanon, Belarus, Sudan and Algeria.
In Scotland, 75% of young people now see independence as a way out of Tory capitalism and for a better future. Socialists point to the need for mass working-class struggle for the democratic right to a second independence referendum.
The SNP are not prepared to lead a confrontation with the Tories – they have carried out Tory austerity for over a decade!
We fight for an independent socialist Scotland and for a new mass workers’ party that fights on socialist policies.
Marx explained that the working class is the key force that can win revolutionary change in society – that’s why Socialist Students is campaigning with the trade union and workers movement.
The numbers of young workers joining trade unions has grown significantly over the past 6 months as young people are becoming conscious this is the best way of fighting for their rights.
We are organising alongside young workers and the unemployed in the Young Socialists – Young Workers Rights Campaign.
Capitalism has failed to provide decent living standards for workers and youth. Without casting off this parasitic system, where a minority hoards vast fortunes of wealth while leaving millions to starve, we cannot progress society beyond constant economic and political crises and environmental collapse.
We need to end the capitalist profit-driven system and take the major corporations, industries and banks into democratic, working class ownership.
Only a global socialist plan of production based on meeting the needs of the majority can utilise the planet’s natural resources sustainably and make it possible to truly overcome systemic oppressive issues such as racism, sexism and LGBTQphobia.
If you want to join the fight for a complete transformation of society, join Socialist Students today and get involved in the struggle for a socialist world!
Drive out Trump – End Capitalism – What is Socialism? – Come to our Socialist Students public meeting on Thursday 17 September at 6pm.
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