Scottish PCS members striking to defeat the pay cap

PCS Scottish Government workers took strike action in January as part of a rolling programme of action across the Scottish Sector. We are demanding:
- Fair pay for all public sector workers
- An end to low pay
- A transparent and coherent pay system across the Scottish public sector
One of the aims of the action is the promotion of pay coherence; the same pay for the same type of job across the sector and with one bargaining unit to negotiate with. The current system is inefficient with different grading systems and many bargaining areas. It’s simple – If the Scottish Government would address this inefficiency then the savings could be put into members pay packets.
The action started on 8 December 2014 with Registers of Scotland, followed by a Boxing Day walkout at the National Museum of Scotland. Then in January there was strike action across the Scottish Government, Justice and the culture sectors.
A PCS Scottish Government Group found shocking. A small but significant group of members are using food banks and high interest loans to supplement their meagre incomes. Many are struggling with debt and have real concerns about how they will survive on their pension when they retire. Significantly, our survey shows is that our pay claim is reasonable, 5% or £1200 and falls below the actual needs of members, but for many would begin to address their current issues of rising personal debt.
The current SNP administration are carrying out the Tory austerity programme by refusing to lift the 1% pay cap written into the current Civil Service Pay Policy. The SNP have an opportunity to break this cap and to show that they value their staff.
Our members have had a 20% real terms pay cut over the last period. This will worsen as the increases in pension and national insurance contributions kick in. We must fight this Tory policy carried out by the SNP – together we can win.