Scottish anti-cuts campaign to be launched

Article by Philip Stott 9th November 2010
A very positive meeting of anti-cuts campaigns and trade unionists took place in Glasgow on Saturday 6th November. The Defend Glasgow Services campaign had invited representatives from local anti-cuts campaigns, trade union organisations and community campaigns to the meeting to discuss the setting up of a Scottish anti-cuts alliance/federation.
Anti cuts campaigns were represented from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, West Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and Ayrshire (who are in the process of establishing their campaign.) The PCS union was represented and trade union branches also sent delegates including from Dundee Unison local government and Tayside Healthcare Unison. Shop stewards and branch reps from Unison, Unite, EIS and the RMT were also there. Clydebank Trades Union Council were in attendance as well as the Youth Fight For Jobs and the Right to Work campaign.
Brian Smith, branch secretary of Glasgow City Unison and Defend Glasgow Services campaign explained that the DGS campaign was keen to get agreement for the setting up of a Scottish wide anti-cuts campaign that could help strengthen the anti-cuts movement. He emphasised the importance of building the movement based on “opposing all cuts in jobs, public services, pensions and welfare benefits while working to build mass trade union and community opposition to the cuts.”
Reports were given from local campaigns on the scale and impact of the cuts and the work that is being carried out which has included organising local demonstrations, lobbies of councils, public meetings and mass petitioning.
The hugely successful STUC demonstration of over 20,000 people in October showed the potential to build a mass movement against the ConDem savagery. However, an organised campaign with clear aims and a fighting programme is necessary. A number of contributions explained the importance of coordinated strike action by the trade unions. Glasgow Unison have tabled a resolution for the Scottish Unison conference in December calling for the building of a one day coordinated public sector wide strike.
Important discussions took place on the issue of the demand for councils to set no cuts, needs budgets that defend local services, which was widely supported. It was made clear that the involvement of elected politicians was welcomed as long as they pledged to oppose all cuts and vote against all cuts in budget meetings.
There was unanimous support for a resolution that asked for delegates to report back to their campaigns and trade unions with a view to establishing a Scottish wide anti-cuts alliance at a conference in January 2011.
A steering committee was agreed with one person from each campaign which will help coordinate activity and prepare for the conference in January.