High Court upholds ban on posties strike – Labour movement must act

The High Court has dismissed the appeal by the Communications Workers Union (CWU) against the scandalous decision to stop the postal workers taking national strike action in Royal Mail, despite winning its strike ballot with an incredible 97% yes vote on a 76% turnout. This dispute, and indeed the very right of the CWU to be able to organise and defend its members, is on the line.
Gary Clark, Socialist Party Scotland member and branch secretary of CWU Scotland no.2 branch said, “The whole labour and trade union movement must immediately come to the aid of the CWU. There should be an emergency TUC General Council, which Jeremy Corbyn should attend. It should discuss solidarity demonstrations and action.”
This decision is in the same week as Boris Johnson is threatening to go even further than his Tory predecessors – Thatcher, Major and Cameron – by wanting to bring in new anti-union legislation. It is targeted at the rail unions but would be rolled out to all unions.
Jeremy Corbyn needs to go the extra mile in showing he’s on the side of postal workers. He should appeal directly to the 110,000 CWU posties and their families and the many other workers who are furious about the strike ban. Corbyn needs to shout from the rooftops that he will repeal all Tory anti-union laws as well as bring back Royal Mail into public ownership on election. This would include the removal of Royal Mail’s bullying and anti-union management.
The CWU’s ‘National Gate Meeting Day’ on 22 November sent a strong message to Royal Mail management and the Tories that a boss-supporting High Court judge can’t stop the anger of posties.
Thousands of postal workers stood by their gates or met in canteens, rest areas and offices to hear updates as the union looked to respond to the court ruling.
These rulings completely exposes the class bias of the judiciary which has acted to prevent a strike in the run-up to Christmas and during the general election when postal workers have greater leverage to pursue their legitimate claims against Royal Mail.
It also reveals that Boris Johnson is no ‘anti-establishment’ politician. No wonder he is in favour of the judgement when last Monday it was announced that Royal Mail has given a record £68 million payout to its shareholders.
A strike now would bring all these issues to the fore and enable Jeremy Corbyn the opportunity to drive home his policy of renationalising Royal Mail. They’ve got the money, yet they still want to renege on the ‘Four Pillars’ agreement – which established employment, standard of living and retirement security, and a shorter working week.
Corbyn’s manifesto policy on Royal Mail would be a big step forward for postal workers. But it would be a mistake to give any impression of relying on the general election.
Last Friday’s gate meetings were an important step by the union. But they did show how much needs to be done at this crucial time for the CWU. The turnout was impressive at many depots, but this needs to be stepped up at all Royal Mail workplaces.
Clear, fighting strategy
Socialist Party members in CWU in Royal Mail have warned that a clear fighting strategy has to be discussed and agreed, so that a vacuum isn’t created that raises the danger that the dispute drifts.
We think that a national reps meeting should be immediately organised and debate planning well-organised action in the near future, alongside a re-ballot. It is not an either/or situation. Such action should be prepared on a national scale, perhaps around another national gate meeting day, where workers refuse to go back to work. Or a London protest outside Royal Mail HQ, where an appeal could go out to other trade unions to support. This would give a focus to the fight, and deal with any dangers of CWU members watching on passively while an appeal goes forward. It would also be a concrete demand to go to the TUC for support.
Already the University and College Union, whose members are currently on an eight-day strike, has invited CWU members to join its London protest on 29 November. The retail workers union, Usdaw, whose national president is Socialist Party member Amy Murphy, has already sent a solidarity message.
The best way to get a response from the Trade Union Congress and the other unions is to organise concrete action rather than just a general appeal.
Posties need such a clear strategy. While they are angry about the court ruling, they may be unsure how to overcome such a barrier.
Postal workers have a proud record of supporting striking workers from other unions, even in the current UCU strike. They also have a fighting culture of localised walkouts to defend members and reps. National action needs to be considered, but it is a big step up and needs to be prepared for. The gate meetings showed again postal workers’ potential power, if CWU leaders give members the confidence that the union has a clear way forward.