Defend trade union rights at Cornerstone

Matt Dobson reports
On 5th December, there was a protest outside the Cornerstone headquarters in Glasgow, following the charity’s decision to derecognise the trade union Unison. Unison Scotland, Glasgow City Unison, Unison South Lanarkshire and other trade union supporters as well as Socialist Party Scotland took part in the protest.
During a dispute with Unison members over terms and conditions, in which a majority of Unison members rejected a proposal from management, Cornerstone acted against Unison and its stewards. They have set up a staff association instead.
As Unison explained to its members: “Cornerstone has decided to derecognise UNISON as your trade union for staff with immediate effect. This was not unexpected as your employer is struggling to implement the local Cornerstone strategic plan on time, on budget and lawfully. Additionally Cornerstone was taken by complete surprise when 92% of UNISON members rejected their very poor pay offer.”
Cornerstone’s leadership team were meeting today with an external body evaluation panel, which included the Scottish government, SSSC, the care inspectorate and Strathclyde University.
Cornerstone’s scandalous actions are a warning to trade union organisation in the third sector. If Cornerstone are successful in their anti-union onslaught it could set a trend. Socialist Party Scotland gives full support to Cornerstone trade union members and Unison.
Send solidarity and support to:
Ian Fitzpatrick
Deborah Clarke