Public Meetings: The socialist case for leaving the bosses’ EU

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is organising a Scottish tour of public events to promote the left-wing and socialist case for exiting the EU.
TUSC applied to the electoral commission to be the official campaign for the Leave side in order to promote a clear pro-public ownership, anti-austerity alternative to the pro-business dominated campaigns which exists on both sides of the debate. (
TUSC is supported by the RMT trade union who are one of three national trade unions, including the rail union Aslef and the bakers’ union BFAWU, representing 120,000 workers, who back a Leave vote.
Speakers at these meetings will include Gordon Martin, the RMT trade union Scottish organiser, Brian Smith, a leading Unison trade unionist in Glasgow and Jim McFarlane, the Dundee City Unison branch secretary.
Jim McFarlane commented: “From Tony Benn to Bob Crow, the socialist left have a long and principled record of opposing the EU as a bosses’ club. Its treaties from Maastricht to Lisbon have been drawn up to enshrine the interests of big business and attack and undermine workers’ rights. Privatisation of public services from the postal industry to transport are part of the DNA of the EU establishment. Scottish TUSC have been taking the case for exiting the EU and for a socialist Europe for the 99%, not a bosses Europe for the 1%.”
The meetings are taking place in Paisley, Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh
Paisley Monday 13 June 7.30pm
Meeting room Saporito Coffee 27 Gauze Street
Dundee Tuesday 14 June 7.15pm
The No. 10 (DVA)
10 Constitution Road
Glasgow Wednesday 15 June 7.15pm
The Woods Bar (Downstairs and lift available)
29 Waterloo Street
Edinburgh Thursday 16 June 7pm
Conference Room
St Augustines Church
George IV Bridge