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Not a penny more of Tory cuts – Come to the TUSC conference

Richard Neville 

1.6 million people of us voted Yes in the indyref in an outpouring of anger at austerity.

Now it has to be built on. Those thousands who came onto the streets and those hundreds of thousands of working class people who voted for an escape need to be mobilised and organised into a force that can take on austerity and win.

We demand that not be a penny more of Westminster cuts be implemented in Scotland. The SNP led Scottish Government must immediately suspend the billions in further cuts that are due in the run up to 2016.

It’s time to set No Cuts budgets and stand up to Tory austerity, instead of implementing Tory cuts. Every Scottish council should do the same

This mood for change should be backed up by the the trade union movement. Over six years of below inflation pay rises, cuts to jobs and public services along with the explosion of the use zero hour contracts is reason enough to act. Now Tory chancellor George Osborne has using the Tory party conference to announce that austerity will be stepped-up even further. Labour’s Miliband and Balls are proposing yet more of the same medicine if they are elected next year.

As well as building for a big turnout at the STUC demonstration on 18th October, sustained and co-ordinated strike action by the trade unions is essential.

The TUC and STUC should name the day for a 24-hour general strike in order to bring this ConDem government to its knees.

If the trade unions were to take a leading role in a struggle against the government and their big business paymasters then it would be a beacon to all those who are sick and tired of cuts and falling living standards.

It would be decisive in tipping the balance of power in favour of the working class.

Come along to the Scottish TUSC conference on November 1st to discuss standing anti-cuts candidates that will refuse to make the cuts and stand up to the Tories.

The energy of the yes campaigners, and many of those who voted no, can be channeled into a mass campaign to defeat austerity. Let’s take them on.

Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition conference

Standing anti-cuts and socialist candidates in 2015

Saturday November 1st 12.30

Blythswood Hall

Renfield – St Stephens Centre

Bath Street Glasgow G2 4JP

Speakers include:

Gordon Martin – Scottish organiser RMT union

John McInally – vice president PCS union (personal capacity)

Brian Smith – Glasgow City Unison secretary (personal capacity) – Facebook Scottish TUSC – email

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