CWI summer school discusses mass movements, capitalist crisis and revolutions

Socialist Party Scotland sent its largest ever delegation to the CWI international summer school in Leuven, Belgium. Members from Glasgow and Dundee joined over 350 Socialists from 33 countries across the globe – the largest ever – for a week of dicussion.
Inspiring discussions took place on the North African revolutions, the mass struggles in Greece and southern Europe, the world capitalist crisis and the building of the CWI across the world.
SPS members contributed to the crisis in Europe plenary, building the CWI amongst young people and a strategic discussion on the trade unions. In the Europe plenary, we reported on the developing struggle against austerity cuts in Scotland imposed by the Con Dem coalition and the new SNP scottish government, also on the implications of the political crisis of the phone hacking scandal.
SPS trade union members outlined our role in Unison and the PCS and the development of the Scottish Anti Cuts Alliance. Wayne Scott reported on the development of a youth fightback in Scotland and with being involved in a school student strike with Students Defending Dundee Schools and building Youth Fight for Jobs.
A summary of some of the key discussions at the school can be read by clicing on the links below
Greece in turmoil World capitalist crisis
Revolution and counter revolution in North Africe and the Middle East