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No sell-out on pensions – We must fight on

The fight to defend public sector pensions is not over. As the PCS union has said nothing has changed since November 30th in the government’s stance on pensions. Despite the attempts of some trade union leaders to try to seek an unnaceptable deal with the ConDem government, millions of public sector workers will not be prepared to accept a sell-out. It is vital that massive pressure is brought to bear in unions like Unison to ensure a rejection of the shoddy “agreement.” The setting of a date for national and coordinated strike action involving the maximum number of trade unions is vital. Below we carry quotes from public sector trade unionists following the TUC meeting on Monday 19th December.    

Mark Serwotka General secretary of PCS

“Nothing has changed since two million public sector workers were on strike on 30 November and we continue to oppose the government’s attempt to force public servants to pay more and work longer for less.

“It is uncontested that all the public sector pension schemes are affordable now and in the future. Public servants should not be forced to pay off a budget deficit caused by the greed and recklessness of bankers and exacerbated by the Tory-led government’s economic incompetence.”

Brian Smith Glasgow City Unison branch secretary

We need to fight on to stop this government. A shoddy sell-out will not be acceptable. NHS Pensions – a one year deal on conts for those under 26K and transitional deal for over 50 year olds…..and Dave Prentis thinks after N30 strike that that is worth taking away from the table….he must have be off sick when the negotiation skills course was run for the UNISON NEC!

Alan Manley Nurse and Unison assistant branch secretary Tayside Healthcare

As a health worker on our first national strike in over 20 years to now be offered a deal that does not meet any of our demands, only freezing the increase in contributions to the low paid for a year, is an insult. For Unison head of health to call the mass campaign to defend public sector pensions a damage limitation exercise indicates how unfit some leaders are for their responsibilities. We have only taken a days strike action, some who provided life and limb cover not even that. To find our leaders so keen to try to call it all off for so little is a sign of their poverty of ambition and basic lack of courage. We must fight on.

Diane Harvey. (Unison steward) Glasgow

Disgust-that’s what I feel…at the contempt with which members are treated by our own union leaders. Our pensions are still being robbed-and we’re supposed to accept it! And anger-that the mood of the members to take on this Govt and fight back isn’t matched by the spineless individuals at the top of the TUC and Unison. I didn’t give up a day’s pay to sit back and watch Prentis sell us out! It was pressure from the members that forced him to call a ballot in the first place…we need to put more pressure on now to make him do what he’s there for-stand up for his members! Diane Harvey. (Unison steward) Glasgow

Jim McFarlane chair of Dundee Unison

“If the union leaders had shown a fraction of the determination that members clearly expressed on N30 then there would be no signing upto this disgraceful attack on our pensions. Thousands joined unison to support the strikes and defend their pension rights not to be quickly sold down the river. Members sacrificed a days pay and will be enraged that union negotiators are already waving the white flag of surrender.”

Quotes from Unison members are in a personal capacity

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