Working class women making history in mass strike for equal pay

Text of a Socialist Party Scotland leaflet
Working class women, and all the equal pay strikers in Glasgow, are making history on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th October. This will be the biggest strike for equal pay since the heroic struggle of the Ford Dagenham workers brought about the 1970 Equal Pay Act.
In an incredibly courageous show of industrial power, over 8,000 low paid workers organised in Unison and the GMB are shutting down schools and council services across the city.
They are supported by their families, those they serve and care for and the working class across Glasgow, Scotland and beyond. Socialist Party Scotland offers our 100% solidarity and support.
If the SNP council administration do not meet the demands of the trade unions after the two day strike, the Unison and GMB leadership are completely justified in organising further strike action.
This council, its political leadership and officers, need to understand that only giving 13,000 workers and retired claimants what they have been owed for 12 years – in wages and pensions and committing to a equality proof job evaluation and pay grading scheme from now on – will end this dispute.
SNP exposed
Since the strike action was called, Glasgow SNP council leader Susan Aitken and council officers have used the press to throw anti-union dust in the eyes of the Glasgow public.
This includes the incredible patronising idea that the trade unions have politically manipulated women who are not aware of why they are striking.
Yet these workers have packed strike strategy meetings in their hundreds and who will be visible in mass pickets and demonstrations across Glasgow.
Strikers are clear and so are their trade unions, successive administrations, be they right wing Blairite Labour, or now the SNP and the anti-trade union council officers are responsible for this equal pay disgrace.
socialist leadership
Glasgow City Unison, under socialist leadership and with Socialist Party Scotland playing a key role, have organised many strikes against the previous Labour administration.
Aitken and the officers claim they are doing everything they can and the “strikes will not speed up a negotiated settlement”.
Yet Socialist Party Scotland interviewed Home Care strikers who answer this claim: “For ten months and after 21 meetings with the trade unions and Action 4 Equality, the council now say they haven’t even looked at our proposals for comparators for job roles. It’s insulting. The council have agreed nothing, offered nothing, they just want meetings about meetings.”
Attempts to divide the trade unions and the claimants have also failed. After the strike was called, the council publicly stated they would only negotiate with Action4Equality lawyers and the Unite union who are not striking.
The three trade unions and Action for Equality gave a united response condemning this approach and only committing to united negotiations.
Attempts have also been made by local SNP councillors to turn the public against the Home Care Strikers by putting out statements that the “unjustified” strike could be fatal for vulnerable clients.
The trade unions are agreeing emergency life and limb cover with the council. Of course these councillors had nothing to say about low paid workers dying while waiting on equal pay.
This strike deserves the support of the whole labour and trade union movement. It is a beacon of what is possible. It must be a wake up call for the TUC , STUC and national trade union leaders.
Workers will fight if you show a lead. Call co-ordinated action now to fight low pay and austerity. Drive out this hated Tory government.
Equal Pay cannot be funded by cuts to services.
Glasgow council must demand funding from Holyrood and Westminster. Set a no cuts budget using borrowing, reserves and debt management to defy Tory cuts.
fight cuts and capitalism
This strike also raises political questions about the SNP and previous right wing Labour councils.
Cutting jobs and services and attacking workers taking strike action is not acceptable. If Labour want to recover in Scotland under Corbyn’s leadership, then only clearing out the council cutters and actually fighting austerity will do.
Socialist Party Scotland stands for the building of a mass working class party that fights all cuts.
And for such a party to stand on socialist policies to end not just austerity but also the system that breeds it; capitalism.
- Show your support and solidarity with the Glasgow Equal Pay strike. Send messages of support to and strike fund donations to UNITY Trust Sort code 60 83 01 A/c Number 20275789 Drew Rigden, Treasurer UNISON Glasgow City Branch, 84 Bell Street, Glasgow, G1 1LQTel: 0141-552-7069
- Visit the picket lines and come to the march and rally on Tuesday 23rd October 11.30am Assemble Glasgow Green and march to George Square
- Socialist Party Scotland are hosting a meeting following the march and rally at 2.30pm in the Piper Whisky Bar, Cochrane Street. Speakers from the Equal Pay strikers, Glasgow City Unison and Socialist Party Scotland, Facebook event here