Scottish Youth March for Jobs begins

Fight their system – Demand our future. Young trade unionists, unemployed, students and school pupils will be marching from Stirling to Glasgow from 17th – 19th October. The March for Jobs and Public Services has been organised by Youth Fight for Jobs Scotland and the PCS Young Members Network.
Wednesday 17th October, day one, Stirling to Larbert
Send off Rally
Stirling Castle Car park 12-1pm set off at Stirling Station
We will be marching through former mining villages incl Fallin. In the 84 -85 miners strike pickets weren’t needed at the local pit as the strike was so solid.
End at Larbert around 6:30pm – home town of Thomas Hardy radical parliamentary reformer
Thursday 18th October, day two, Larbert to Milngavie
March from Camelon Station beginning of Union Canal 9am
We will be marching through towns such as Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch which were built up through the mass council housing program in the 1950′s with slum clearance from Glasgow. These areas are now devastated by high youth unemployment.
We hope to be in Kirkintilloch mid afternoon contact us on details below to meet for for details.
End at Milngavie Thursday evening
Friday 19th October, day three, Milngavie to Glasgow City Centre
Leaving Milngavie at 9am aiming to be at Maryhill station for 10:30am
on the way into Glasgow City Centre we will stop at DWP Northgate to meet PCS campaigners.
12:30pm Argyle Street opposite Debenhams Street Rally leaflet for Saturday’s demonstration.
Saturday 20th October
Join the #scottishmarch4jobs contingent at George Square from 10:30am look for the red t-shirts.
Contact March organisers for interviews and further details 07927342060,
Follow the marchers blog at: