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Just how radical are the Scottish Greens?

Some sections of the Scottish left, including self-described socialists, are advocating support for the Scottish Greens in the coming election. But does the manifesto and record of the Greens justify such a position? Oisin Duncan, Scottish TUSC candidate for the Glasgow regional list, examines the question just how radical are the Scottish Greens? 

Some young people and workers will consider voting for the Scottish Greens in the upcoming Scottish Parliament election, concerned as they are about the environmental crisis being wrought on the planet by the capitalist system. 

That is understandable. But do the leadership of Scottish Greens offer a fighting alternative to capitalism and cuts? After five years as the unofficial junior partners to this SNP-led Scottish Government, what have the Greens actually delivered for workers and youth? And, looking to the future, do their policies go far enough to address the multi-faceted global crisis caused by capitalism? 

Scottish Greens’ role in cuts in Holyrood and in councils

As they have supported the SNP in Holyrood over the last five years, they share responsibility for all of the cuts administered by the Scottish Government in the same time period. Just like the governing SNP, the Scottish Greens choose to pass on the cuts set out by Westminster; they make the political decision to oppose demands for no cuts budgets call and take the path of least resistance by passing austerity onto Scottish workers and youth. 

Although public spending per person in Scotland remains higher than in other parts of the UK, this does not mean that the impacts of cuts have been any less devastating.

Research on vulnerable families conducted by Barnardo’s and NSPCC published in 2020 found that the cuts passed on by Holyrood politicians impacts the poorest families hardest; closure of the children’s ward in the Royal Alexandria Hospital in Paisley and shutting social work centers in areas like West Dunbartonshire, both in Green MSP Ross Greer’s Holyrood area, reinforces already lower-than-average life expectancies. And we cannot exclude the fact that Scotland continues to suffer from one of the worst drug death epidemics in Europe. 

These are all issues under the devolved powers of the Scottish Government; as a party in support of the government in Holyrood, the Greens have to share responsibility for these dismal failures, which have decimated overwhelmingly working class families and communities.

In local government the Greens have also backed up the SNP’s implementation of austerity; in the 2018 Glasgow city council budget, the Greens supported a minority SNP administration in cutting £10 million from social work under the guise of “efficiency savings”. 

The Scottish Greens put forward extremely limited tax rises on the wealthy. A mere 1% increase for those with assets over £1 million and a meagre windfall tax on companies who have made excess profits during the pandemic. Scottish TUSC, in contrast, would double tax on the richest in society and bring into public ownership the main sectors of the economy. 

Scottish independence

Like the SNP under Sturgeon, the Greens have not called for a mass campaign to win the right to a second independence referendum, preferring instead the timid approach of asking Boris Johnson’s Tory party for the permission to organise one. 

Their Holyrood co-leaders (Patrick Harvie and Alison Johnstone) told the BBC they would not support another vote until “after the pandemic”. Yet there remains a real possibility that the pandemic could continue to roll on for a number of years, as less than 10% of the world’s population has been vaccinated so far and almost all of them in the advanced capitalist countries like the UK. 

This indicates the flaws in the passive approach to the national question of capitalist parties like the SNP and Greens; they are too concerned with what the international bosses’ clubs like the EU, IMF and World Bank will think about an independent Scotland. 

That is the fundamental division between the Greens’ campaign and the socialist approach to independence. We call for Holyrood to organise their own vote if neccessary, defying the Tories, and to organise a mass campaign to fight for democratic rights.

Unlike the Greens we stand for an independent socialist Scotland that would nationalise the commanding heights of the economy like big industry, retail, land, oil, gas and energy production and banking sector of Scotland. 

The Scottish Greens favour application for membership of the bosses’ EU, which amounts to winning economic sovereignty from the British capitalist state only to turn it over to the vultures of European capitalism. Furthermore, the explosive national questions in Spain and Belgium would likely stand in the way of any smooth transition back into the single market, scuppering the bourgeois case for independence.

Climate change

The looming environmental collapse wrought by carbon emissions, overfishing and deforestation the world over is a global emergency 

Yet the policy of the Scottish Greens is insufficient to tackle the scale of the crisis. Their correct demands for investment in renewable energy are not linked to widespread public ownership. They believe the capitalist market can be insentivised through public money to invest in renewable energy. But it is clear that would only be done if it were profitable to do so. 

The Green leadership don’t support nationalisation of the existing oil and gas industries, only calling for existing permits for North Sea drilling to be re-examined and for a halt to new permits. This goes nowhere near far enough in challenging the private companies like BP and Shell from continuing to obstruct transition away from fossil fuel use. 

Public ownership is essential to ensure a socialist transition away from fossil fuel production. They refuse to commit to a no job losses, no loss of pay and conditions approach in their “Just Transition”, despite claiming that their plan for a “green and fair economy” starts with improving workers’ conditions. 

Oil and gas workers need to be retrained, retooled and redeployed, either in production of wind, tidal or solar energy or carbon-capture programs to get Scotland carbon neutral. This has to be done without loss of pay, job cuts or deteriorating conditions in the workplace. These three factors can only be guaranteed with a program of public ownership and democratic workers’ control of the entire energy sector.

The Scottish Government’s handling of the BiFab yards sale demonstrates they cannot be trusted to ensure a socialist transition which benefits workers. Nationalisation and socialist planning is essential for that! 

The necessity of taking on big business to save the planet

The central fault at the heart of the Scottish Greens’ political program is their reluctance to decisively break with the capitalist system. All around the world we see the climate crisis and other environmental disasters, such as plastic pollution in the oceans, soil erosion on farmland all over the planet, and deforestation in rainforests in South America and South-east Asia. 

All of this destruction is driven by private corporations or capitalist governments on their behalf, and this shows up in the statistics. 71% of all global carbon emissions since the 1970s have been produced by just 100 companies, meaning that board members for those companies, numbering at most maybe a few thousand, have made decisions which will drive millions from their homes, destroy livelihoods and cause untold human suffering. 

Capitalism is not working; the solutions to the environmental crises and the associated social and economic misery looming for the world working class must be taken up and resisted with a program of socialist solutions. 

The Scottish Greens’ slogan for the upcoming election is “Vote Like Our Future Depends on It”, and there is a grain of truth in that. But what young people and workers across Scotland need to do is vote against the system of exploitation and environmental destruction which threatens our future. 

Only Socialist Party Scotland and the Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition stands for policies that take on the capitalists in charge. In this election that means voting for Scottish TUSC. Unfortunately, the leadership of the Scottish Greens, who are not prepared to break with destructive capitalism, are not!

Donate to Socialist Party Scotland

The coronavirus crisis has laid bare the class character of society and the failures of capitalism to an unprecedented degree. It’s been working people not the bosses of the multinational companies that have kept society running. 

Years of economic crisis, privatisation and austerity have hammered public services. Services like the NHS and social care that have proven to be so important during Covid-19. 

Capitalist government’s have turned to the state to pay wages for workers for a year. But after the corona crisis, they will try to make the working class pay for it, by trying to claw back what has been given.

Never have socialist ideas been more important. Socialist Party Scotland’s material and programme, our newspaper, leaflets, posters, website and social media pages are vital. Vital for workers defending jobs and wages. Vital for young people fighting for a future, free education and a living wage. 

A socialist programme is essential to help organise both mass struggle now and for socialist policies to change society. 

Socialist Party Scotland members are spearheading the election challenge of the Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. Offering the only socialist alternative in large parts of Scotland.

We therefore urgently appeal to all our supporters to donate to our Fighting Fund to support our work. You can donate here

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