Join Young Socialists

Join Young Socialists
Capitalism needs to go
Fight for socialism
Young Socialists Scotland appeal to youth in school, college and work
Our generation have grown up under Tories. This means an affordable home, a job with a wage you can live on and education free of debt is impossible.
The new Labour government serves the bankers and big business and offers no future. Cuts by the SNP and the Greens mean colleges, schools and public services, are underfunded and college lecturers and council workers are having to go on strike for a decent wage.
Across the world we see climate crisis, the slaughter of the Palestinians, and the rise of far right racism,and violence. All these problems are rooted in capitalism a system driven by profit that concentrates wealth, and the big industries and banks in the hands of a tiny minority.
Under capitalism, Marx explains the working class, can never buy back the full value of the goods and services we produce.
Today capitalism means our living standards will be even worse than our parents and grandparents unless the collective power of the working class is used to end it. Marx also pointed out workers can take mass action like strikes that stop capitalist profits and production. We have seen this with the strikes recently that have increased workers wages, even with the strike action that helped young people in Bangladesh overthrow their brutal government.
Starmer’s Labour, the SNP and Greens don’t fight for us! We need a new mass party that fights for workers and youth. The bosses’ politicians try and divide us with racism, sexism snd LGBTphobia.
All together, united, we need to fight for wages and benefits that meet the cost of living, mass council house building, free fully funded education and jobs and apprenticeships with full trade union rights, mass struggle on these issues would make Farage, Trump and Tommy Robinson irrelevant.
Loads of young people are interested in socialism pushed by capitalism’s brutality. For us it means the majority in society, the working class owning and democratically planning the economy and society for the interests of all.
Ultimately the fight for socialism must be international as companies like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk exploit workers from Greenock to Ghana, that’s why as Young Socialists we support and are linked with socialists, trade unionists and workers and youth across the world.
Join us!
Young Socialists brings together young people who are fighting to end capitalism and replace it with a socialist system internationally.
We organise and attend protests, do public campaigning where we can meet other young socialists, and host open meetings to discuss the world from a socialist perspective – from key historical events, to the foundations of Marxism, to current affairs – all as a guide to fighting back today.
If you want to join us and meet other young socialists near you, or set up a group contact us!
We say
We need jobs and homes, smash racism, all oppression and the far right
End the siege of Gaza, Socialist struggle for Palestinian liberation
Stop the cuts in education, support the strikes
For a £15 an hour minimum wage for all, no to youth exemptions, scrap zero hour contracts
Fight for socialism, a society for the millions not the billionaires !