Fighting back against West Lothian cuts

By Elaine Mallon, West Lothian
On the 13thof February the Labour-led council in West Lothian voted through £65 million in cuts over the next 5 years. A shameful day for our councillors and a day the community won’t forget. A large crowd gathered outside the council building with turn outs from Unison, GMB, Socialist Party Scotland (SPS) and local campaigners. SPS handed out 200 leaflets detailing how councillors could set a legal balanced no cuts budget. Despite the clear mood of anger, every single councillor voted through the cuts and plunged West Lothian into crisis.
As the financial disaster unfolds frustration and fear is spreading. Elderly people who require carers in their home will now have to be ‘critical’ to qualify for help.
Those who qualify will then be financially assessed to make the ‘maximum contribution’ to their care package. Family centres and day centres for the elderly are being shut down, respite centres scarce, care workers forced into zero hour contracts and low pay, carers allowance at an all time low.
Essential disability equipment – once supplied by the NHS – are now chargeable products for sale. Disabled people who require tele-care alarm services in their homes will be charged over £100 per year, and with continued attacks on funding for the voluntary sector, the future for our elderly and vulnerable is terrifying.
All residents in West Lothian are facing a 3% increase in council tax, an unfair tax that disproportionately affects the poor.
Isn’t it despicable that the Scottish government refuses to significantly raise taxes for billionaires yet recommends a 3% increase on the incomes of ordinary working people?
Given that 47% of children in West Lothian already live in relative poverty after living costs, the consequences to our community will be devastating.
Music tuition
One particular campaign, ‘Save Our Strings and Percussion’, are fighting the cut to music tuition. All children in West Lothian are set to lose access to free strings and percussion tuition in our schools. Orchestras will be shut down, children’s exams and futures seriously effected.
Campaigners have patiently engaged with councillors, attended public meetings tried their best to understand the process whilst gathering huge support throughout West Lothian.
Campaigners have found out for themselves that our local government is a questionable example of democracy at best. They’ve been ignored, their time repeatedly wasted.
They have witnessed outright lies and underhanded tactics as they watched their supposed representatives hide behind arbitrary rules and protocol.
When councillors leave meetings by the back door, too ashamed to face the children they just robbed, it’s crystal clear West Lothian Council is not fit for purpose.
Bad Art
In response to the theft of £65 million in cuts, Bad Art Scotland are holding an event in Bathgate at the Midnight Breakfast Club, 7pm til late, Friday 15th June.
There will be some fantastic musicians and artists showcasing their work. There will be information stalls about fighting the cuts, raising awareness about where austerity comes from and what our politicians ( national and local) – have the power to change.
It’s going to be a great night and an important chance to organise and fight back. If you’d like to get involved in the event please get in touch. email