Roger Bannsister – Elect a fighting UNISON general secretary on a workers wage

To all Unison members: Nominate Roger Bannister
Dear Colleague
I have decided to canvas for nominations for the General Secretary election, to argue for radical change at the top of UNISON.
I fought this election in 2005, obtaining over 41,000 votes. Since then I have continued to campaign as an NEC member for the North West Region, for fighting policies to defend jobs and conditions of service. I am currently about to ballot members for strike action in defence of our 35 Hour Week Agreement, and against the imposition of a redeployment policy by the employer that will lead to compulsory redundancies. It is my belief that UNISON needs a General Secretary with this Hands On experience of dealing with the problems faced by ordinary members.
My election programme would be based on:
• A General Secretary on a Worker’s Wage
• Fighting policies against spending cuts – defend all jobs – fight the pay freeze – not a penny off our pensions!
• UNISON members first – Break the link with New Labour, use our Political Fund to support candidates whose policies are best for UNISON members
• End low pay amongst UNISON members
• Oppose all privatisation
• Oppose the BNP & the Racist right
• Election of all officials
• For the right of all members to campaign under rule within the union without fear of attack
Yours sincerely
Roger Bannister (Membership Number 1318436)