If you do nothing else this summer… Join the Young Socialists
Lucas Grant, Young Socialists, Aberdeen
The events of the last five years have demonstrated both the inability of a huge number of governments and politicians to handle crisis and fundamentally the inadequacy of capitalism to run society.
The Covid years and the resultant economic calamity wrought by mishandling has pushed a large portion of working class and young people deeper into hardship and insecurity.
The media is awash with articles showing and reporting on the issues of inequality, exploitation and oppression facing us. Over half of students within Edinburgh have been found to believe they cannot cover the basic cost of living in a survey conducted by the Russell Group.
Large portions of capitalists are now preparing for economic recession, resulting in closures already being seen on the high street, in sectors where there are large numbers of youth such as hospitality and retail.
The substandard high rent cost of housing offered by the government to those who need it most (low income families, the disabled, and students) makes this coming calamity all the worse.
Many economically vulnerable people will have little income and in many cases will be forced into poverty.
The myriad failings of capitalism, climate crisis, war, hunger and economic, raises the need for an alternative way of running society.
The only solution to these problems is socialism, a system in which the resources of society are controlled by working people. There is enough wealth in society to benefit everyone but the profits are being hoarded by the rich and big business .
Evidence of the lauded “trickle-down theory” put forward by servants of capitalism such as the Tory party is non-existent to no one’s surprise.
Socialist Party Scotland and Young Socialists have campaigned constantly throughout the country on these key issues; both in working-class areas and on campuses as Socialist Students.
The only method to fight capitalism is through the organisation and construction of the forces of the working class to fight it. Through joining the Socialists and getting active in campaigning against capitalism these forces can be built.
Intervening at protests, strike picket lines, and holding street stalls are vital opportunities in raising a socialist programme on the issues affecting society the most.
This summer we will be organising meetings to discuss socialist and Marxist ideas, campaigning for a socialist, workers’ candidate Chris Sermanni in the Rutherglen by election, raising a socialist program wherever young people gather, including at Pride and much more.
We say we need: free education, the scrapping of student debt and living grants for students, a £15 an hour minimum wage with no exemptions, trade union rights, rent controls and mass council house building programme, an end to this capitalism system of sexism, racism, LGBTQphobia, climate crisis and war.
Join us to fight for a socialist future! Email us at: youngsocialistsscotland@gmail.com
Check out https://youngsocialists.org.uk