Glasgow socialist candidate supports Unison strikers

Jamie Cocozza, standing as the Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (STUSC) candidate in the December 5th Shettleston by election, gives his full support to the industrial action taken by Glasgow City Unison members who work in Glasgow schools as Pupil Support Assistants (PSA’s) on Thursday 14th November, in the southside of Glasgow.
Jamie said “I am fully supporting the Unison strike and have since the start of the dispute . These low paid workers are having unacceptable changes to their job remit that are an attack on their terms and conditions and on the education of children in Glasgow.
It’s telling that Glasgow Labour Party, has been totally united in passing £200 million of cuts over the last few years, closing day centres, increasing charges for care and now threatening 1000 strikers with the sack, the only thing they are split over is the issue of a traffic cone on the head of a 19th century Duke, who invented a boot to keep working class soldiers feet dry, while they were fighting wars for the bosses profits.
I support Glasgow City Unison’s demand that a negotiated solution is reached, that maintains a skilled workforce,appropriately graded to deliver quality support for all who need it. Glasgow Labour council’s cuts agenda is provoking a series of disputes with the workforce and its also clear the SNP have the same pro cuts policies. I beleive councillors should fight cuts to jobs and services, not implement them. Councils should set needs budgets that protect public services from cuts. If elected I will stand shoulder to shoulder with trade unionists fighting back.
As a Unite member, I believe this action shows the need for all the trade unions to co-ordinate action against cuts and austerity. The STUC/TUC need to name the day for a 24 hour general strike. I am standing in the Shettleston by election, on December 5th, to give a voice to workers and communites fighting the cuts. This dispute and the Westminster vote on the Bedroom Tax graphically show we need a new mass workers party that fights for the millions not the millonaires “.
For more information/ interviews contact:
Jamie Cocozza on 07721697415
STUSC Shettleston campaign – 07927342060