Supersize My Pay targets Starbucks and Pret a Manger

Youth Fight for Jobs Scotland and Fast Food Rights campaigners held a day of action in Glasgow on April 19th. We targeted Starbucks and Pret a Manger, raising demands for a £10 an hour minimum wage, trade union rights and opposition to zero hours contracts. YFJ activists petitioned on these issues and went into the two coffee shops to talk to staff and customers.
We got a very good reception from workers in both stores who were interested in finding out more about campaigningand trade unions. Workers from Subway, Dominos Pizza and Burger King stopped by on their lunchbreak to show their support. The YFJ petition also raised the demands of a 35 hour week without loss of pay and rights to sickness and holiday pay.
The YFJ campaign has called a meeting in Glasgow on May 7th to discuss the fight for £10 an hour and building a movement against zero hour contracts. We will also be discussing building for the international fast food workers day of action on 15th May.