Royal Mail: CWU leaders must relaunch a serious campaign

Socialist Party members in CWU
The leadership of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) has suspended the ballot of members on the negotiators’ agreement with Royal Mail bosses.
The ‘Business Recovery, Transformation and Growth 2023’ deal has seen many members making their views clear: they were not happy with it! Socialist Party Scotland has argued to reject (
There has clearly been immense pressure from angry members. And this comes with a complete mistrust of Royal Mail management at all levels.
No change
It is clear from reps and members all across the country that there has been no change in the offices. Managements are still pushing ahead with unagreed work revisions. Mail delivery is failing all over, with no attempt to restore the Universal Service Obligation and the quality of service. Workers have had no choice but to walk out in some offices to beat back management attacks.
As things stand, despite the suspension of the ballot, no further action has been announced.
The union should demand re-opening of negotiations to achieve a deal acceptable to the membership, and back this up with relaunching a serious campaign of action. Meetings should take place across all workplaces to prepare the members once again for strike action.
The CWU must demand that the whole board be removed. We must demand renationalisation of Royal Mail under democratic workers’ control to save it as a public service, which cannot be achieved while under the ownership of profit-driven greedy shareholders. We should demand Keir Starmer pledges right now that an incoming Labour government immediately enacts Labour Party policy to renationalise Royal Mail.
The CWU national executive has also once again delayed our national conference. It was originally due in spring 2023, then delayed to October, and now it won’t happen until April 2024.
This is a time when debate by members is crucial! In addition to the ongoing struggle with Royal Mail, there are threats of 55,000 job losses in BT.
Union members’ rights
The membership has a right to look at the tactics and the programme that the leadership has taken during this period and to call them to account. We are still in a massive battle. Instead of hiding from criticism, this is the time to mobilise the members and debate a fighting strategy throughout the democratic structures of the union.