Glasgow Unison ballot demands Equal Pay Justice NOW!

Glasgow City Unison, with a fighting socialist leadership, is to consult all of its 10,200 members in Glasgow City Council and its ALEOs (arms-length organisations). Members will receive consultative ballot papers from this week. These consultative ballots will be used to build towards formal strike ballots if required.
Glasgow City Unison says:
Nearly five months into a series of meetings with the trade unions and Action4Equality and the council have still not made any concrete moves to resolve the past pay discrimination – lots of words, no action! The council also still refuse to accept that the current Workforce Pay and Benefits Review (WPBR) job evaluation and pay scheme has to be replaced moving forward, and all jobs re-evaluated with an equality-proofed scheme. The council also need to commit more money to the total council pay bill moving forward – no robbing “Peter to pay Pauline”!
UNISON wants:
•The individual claimants compensated for past discrimination as soon as possible.
• A new job evaluation scheme which delivers pay equality and pay justice for all.
• The council to commit funding to ensure pay equality, justice and security for all.
What is wrong with the current job evaluation scheme?
Scotland’s top court has ruled decisively against the council. The current WPBR scheme lacks transparency. It is not clear how all elements of core and non-pay relate to each other, meaning that unequal pay practices have continued. The current scheme cannot just be “tweaked” to achieve equality. It has to go.
Does this not just affect those with equal pay claims?
No. Those with equal pay claims for past discrimination are clearly at the forefront of the campaign at the moment. However a new job evaluation scheme and pay / grading system will affect ALL Council and ALEO workers. We need to ensure pay justice for all in the future.
Does this mean that Glasgow needs more money?
Yes. Solving past historical discrimination and ensuring pay justice in the future will cost money. For every month that the council drags its heels in resolving past discrimination it costs another £5M. Decades of unfair treatment of women workers must stop. The council must commit future funding to ensure pay equality, justice and security for all. There is plenty of money in our society; it’s just in the wrong hands.
UNISON says Vote YES to Strike Action!
Trade union equal pay claimants will lead this year’s Glasgow May Day march on Sunday 6 May, 11am, George Square.