EIS members must vote Yes to strike on March 28th

Following the overwhelming strike action by public sector workers on 30 November over the Con/Dem Government’s attempt to rob us of our pensions, the EIS along with the NUT, UCU, PCS, NASUWT, SSTA, FBU and UNITE have refused to accept the so called “Heads of Agreement” offer which would have meant that we continue to PAY MORE, GET LESS and WORK LONGER.
The EIS, along with the NUT and PCS, are conducting advisory ballots of their members about a further day of strike action on 28 March.
Due to massive pressure from ordinary classroom teachers throughout the country, the National Executive Committee of the EIS is unanimously recommending a “YES” vote.
Teacher’s anger at the Salaries Committee betrayal over pay and conditions last spring has forced a much more combative rhetoric from those who would previously have sold them out.
“The Scottish Government continues to sit on its hands and make no attempt to engage in discussions on redesign of the Scottish Teachers’ Superannuation Scheme. Its only action so far has been to adopt and implement in Scotland the increased contribution rates being imposed in England and Wales with effect from 1 April 2012.
“There is a real risk that the Scottish Government will simply continue to import into Scotland, without any meaningful discussions with teachers’ representatives, whatever changes are decided by the Westminster Government.” Alan Munro EIS President.
The UCU and SSTA are consulting their members through reps with the intention of taking similar industrial action. The EIS Executive Committee will meet on 15 March to consider the ballot result and the results from other unions before making a decision about 28 March.
It is absolutely essential that teachers and EIS Branches keep up the pressure on the Executive for strike action.
Vote “YES” for strike action on March 28th.