Meeting to discuss anti-cuts candidates for May 2012

“November 30th will see millions of public sector workers taking strike action against the Con-Dem’s savagery. Our members have also seen an SNP government implementing year-on-year wage freezes and making deep cuts to public services in Scotland. By standing anti-cuts candidates we can begin to offer an alternative to all those facing cuts, while the bankers who created the crisis get off without a scratch.” Cheryl Gedling PCS NEC members in a personal capacity
Open meeting to discuss standing anti-cuts candidates for May 2012
Saturday 22nd October 2pm
Renfield St Stephens Centre
Bath Street
At a meeting on Saturday 22nd October in Glasgow anti-cuts campaigners, trade unionists and socialists will be discussing a proposal to launch an anti-cuts coalition that, if agreed, would stand candidates in the Scottish local government elections in May 2012.
Brian Smith, the branch secretary of the Glasgow City Unison branch speaking in a personal capacity said:
“This initiative is taking place at a time when politicians of all parties, including the SNP and Labour, are voting through the deepest cuts to public services in decades. Workers in both the public and private sector are facing an onslaught on jobs, pensions, their pay and working conditions. It’s time we had a political voice to represent us. The meeting on Saturday is to discuss establishing a coalition of the willing prepared to oppose all cuts and that stands in defence of our communities.”
Cheryl Gedling, a National Executive Committee member of the PCS trade union speaking in a personal capacity said:
“ November 30th will see millions of public sector workers taking strike action against the Con-Dem’s savagery. Our members have also seen an SNP government implementing year-on-year wage freezes and making deep cuts to public services in Scotland. By standing anti-cuts candidates we can begin to offer an alternative to all those facing cuts, while the bankers who created the crisis get off without a scratch.”
Saturday’s meeting will discuss a proposal that trade unionists, anti-cuts and community campaigners and socialist organisations would form an umbrella anti-cuts coalition committed to opposing all cuts, supporting the setting of needs budgets that protect communities and public services and giving full support for workers who take strike action to defend their jobs, pay and pensions.
The aim would be too stand a maximum number of candidates at next May’s council elections. We would offer trade unionists, young people and the wider community the chance to vote for and get involved in an election campaign in support of principled anti-cuts fighters.