Millions of workers took part in the biggest strike seen in living memory against attacks on pensions and cuts by the Con-Dem government on November 30th. The next step in the battle against cuts is to prepare a further public sector shutdown in the new year At the same time many public sector workers will be discussing how we can build a political voice to represent us in elections. A meeting is taking place on Saturday in Glasgow to launch an anti-cuts coalition to contest the Scottish council elections next year.
Leading public sector trade unionists in Scotland have launched an initiative to stand anti-cuts candidates in next May’s local council elections in Scotland. With politicians of all parties carrying out the Con-Dem cuts, we need our own candidates prepared to defend jobs, public services and our communities. Come along on December 10th and help build the alternative to cuts and austerity.
Alongside the Westminster coalition of cuts Scotland’s main parties are also carrying out cuts unprecedented in their scale. The SNP government in Scotland have implemented the Con-Dem cuts by slashing over £3 billion from the budget, attacking pensions, freezing pay and cutting services. John Swinney and Alex Salmond both crossed the picket lines on N30, with Swinney claiming it was his duty as a government minister to break the strike.
Labour councils are also making deep cuts. The mantra is cuts are inevitable, it’s only the pace and timing of the cuts that is up for debate among the main parties.
Next May all of Scotland’s councillors are up for election. We need to stand anti-cuts candidates to offer an option to trade unionists, young people and our communities. We believe that an anti-cuts coalition involving trade unionists, anti-cuts campaigners, socialists and young people could stand candidates across Scotland offering a real alternative to the parties of cuts and privatisation.
At the meeting on Saturday we will be discussing a proposal to stand across Scotland. Leading public sector trade unionists, supported by the Socialist Party Scotland are putting forward the following platform for standing candidates next year.
1, Our candidates oppose and if elected will vote against all cuts to jobs, pay, services, pensions, benefits etc. Only cuts we support are those that would cut the income of rich and big business the bankers.
2. Our candidates if elected will put forward needs budgets that protect services, our communities and jobs. Our Councillors will help lead a mass campaign to demand a return of the money stolen by the ConDem’s to invest in public services.
3. We oppose all privatisation which is increasingly on the agenda in local government. We stand for the abolition of PFI/PPP schemes that are a huge drain on public resources.
4. Full support for workers and trade unions in the public and private sector, the communities and young people who are taking action to fight against the cuts. For a united fightback against austerity and cuts. Abolish and oppose all anti-trade union laws.
5. We will support progressive policies including making the rich elite pay increased tax, and for increased tax on big business. We are for public ownership of the banks the privatised utilities and the big corporations. Public ownership would allow investment in jobs and services, which are needed now more than ever.
Come along on Saturday and help build a fighting anti-cuts coalition for the elections in May 2012.
Saturday 10th December 2.30pm
Adelaides, 209 Bath Street