TUSC: the most impressive of all

Matt Dobson reports
Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidate Brian Smith got an excellent response at the Common Weal Glasgow South hustings on Thursday, which over 150 attended. A poll taken at the end of the debate saw Brian emerge as the “candidate that impressed you the most.” Brian was debating with candidates from the SNP, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and Greens.
There were a wide range of questions put by the audience on austerity cuts, TTIP, the minimum wage, trident and Israel Palestine.
Tweets during the debate commented that Brian got the most applause from the audience for his answers.
As expected the SNP candidate got a good response when he attacked Labour and Blairite MP Tom Harris. This reflects the anger of working class people towards Labour that the SNP at the moment is benefiting from.
Interestingly, he also seemed to want to associated with Brian saying “I agree with Brian” four times during the debate. The Green candidate also wrapped himself in an anti austerity cloak stating that if we were elected as an MP he would not vote for a single austerity cut.
Brian responded by explaining what it means to be 100% anti austerity not just in words but by voting against all cuts and campaigning with workers and communities.
Brian pointed out the SNP and the Greens have implemented cuts, the former in government in Scotland and in councils like Dundee, the latter in councils in England. Despite the sympathy for the SNP and the Greens that was evident from the audience during the debate people listened intently to these points and applauded.
Brian highlighted that the SNP Scottish government had to be forced by campaigners in working class communities to mitigate the bedroom tax in Scotland. They also have the funds and the powers to mitigate all benefit sanctions. Brian and Scottich TUSC were alone on the platform in calling for a minimum wage of £10 an hour now.
In the closing statements Brian urged the audience to vote for what they believed in, rather than tactically, as we cannot accept anymore austerity cuts and we fundamentally need to change society. This got huge applause.
When the audience left they were asked by the hustings organisers which candidate had impressed them most, the tallies at the end of the night showed Brian in the lead!
This was also reflected in a few people asking to find out more about TUSC. This hustings showed the powerful impact TUSC’s principled 100% anti austerity pro socialist message can have when given a fair hearing.