Build the youth revolt against capitalism

The cost of living crisis is hitting young people hard. For students, the situation is becoming increasingly severe. Low paid work, rocketing costs of student accommodation and a growing mental health pandemic are all creating the conditions for an explosive reaction. Daniel Lauchlan, a Socialist Students member at University of the West of Scotland, calls for a fight back.
Students are finding it more difficult to keep their heads above water as inflation skyrockets, from 5.4% in January 2022 to 13.2% in October 2022.
According to the NUS, 68% of students cannot afford basic course materials for their chosen field of study. Despite the fact that universities advise students to restrict the number of hours they work throughout the week, many students find themselves working longer and longer hours.
9% of students work between 21 and 30 hours per week, while 11% work above 31 hours per week, according to a study. So, students are doing more hours at their part-time jobs for less pay to get by due to the Tory government’s incompetence.
This is detrimental to the mental health of learners all across the United Kingdom. The percentage of clinically depressed students in the UK student sample increased from 15% in 2020 to 33.3% in 2021, according to a survey published in the Psychiatry Research Vol 298.
This frightening number will undoubtedly increase this year. The 9.7% rent increase for student housing must be contributing to the stress that many students must be experiencing at this time.
food or study
Students are confronted with the stark reality of choosing between purchasing food or paying for their housing and textbooks.
Students can no longer be pushed to the cliff edge by the reckless actions of this government. We must fight back and make the wealthy pay for the cost of living crisis, as opposed to the austerity policies that the Conservatives are advocating and all to often passed on to us by the Scottish government.
Students must join with workers and demonstrate solidarity via picket lines, as well as organise and fight for the money and the security they deserve.
As long as we remain together and watch out for our fellow students, we can achieve a better tomorrow.
Socialist Students say:
- Fight for free publicly funded education. Scrap tuition fees and student debt. Living grants for all who study. For fighting democratic student unions and a fighting NUS
- For rent control, under committees of student reps and trade unions, in student accommodation. Bring private student housing into public ownership
- For a living wage of £15 an hour for all workers and wage rises that meet cost of inflation. Scrap zero hour contracts and youth rates
- Socialist change to end climate change. Seize the profits and nationalise the polluters. For a socialist plan and worker-led transition away from fossil fuel based production
- United working class struggle to combat racism, sexism, LGBTQphobia, and all forms of oppression
- For a new workers’ party based on the trade unions
- Fight for socialism – the democratic public ownership of major industries, transport, banks and infrastructure under working class control and management
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