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Aberdeen workers step up strike action against profiteering First Bus

The Aberdeen bus workers’ strike is an inspiration to the entire trade union movement in Scotland and beyond.

The 11 days of action has sent a clear message to First and managing director Andrew Jarvis that workers will not be kicked around by profiteering bosses and their attempts to slash wages and working conditions in Aberdeen.

An indefinite strike is due to begin on April 6th. In effect First are demanding drivers work longer shifts for less pay. The removal of paid breaks alone would mean huge pay cuts for drivers.

Drivers could also be on the road for up to ten hours each day, while holiday entitlement would also be reduced. In all, some drivers face pay cuts of up to £5,000 a year.

Unite members have rightly rejected the latest “offer’ from First which would still have meant severe reductions in pay and conditions – albeit not as bad as the original proposals.

However, First Bus bosses have been forced back by the strength, resolve and determination of the workers’ action. The overwhelming vote in favour of an escalation of the strike has rattled the employer who claims that they cannot afford the current pay and working conditions packages.

Yet it’s clear that First have made significant profits in previous years through their Aberdeen operation. Where have those profits gone? To finance the shareholders, top bosses pay and the international profiteering operation of First group.

Public ownership

In a publicly owned bus service those profits would be ploughed back into the bus service, including for decent pay and conditions. That’s why it’s right to demand public ownership and the democratic control of bus services, including in Aberdeen.

Running vital lifeline services for profit by corporate shareholders is not acceptable. A publicly owned and democratically run transport system is essential to prevent profit-hungry companies like First Group from abusing its workers in this way.

Socialist Party Scotland gives our 100% backing to the Aberdeen bus drivers in their dispute with First Group. It’s a fight all workers and trade unionists will support.

Our members in unions like Unison, PCS, Unite and the CWU are building support and solidarity for the bus drivers in Aberdeen. Many of whom have faced similar attacks on their own pay and working conditions. And have been inspired by the huge 97% rejection of the proposed changes and the strike ballot which saw 95% support for strike action.

Mike Flinn from Unite told Socialist Party Scotland: “First are cutting into drivers’ wages to achieve more profit. Drivers who are earning £25,000 are going to jump down as low as £19,000. They have rent and mortgages to pay and this cuts into it. “How are they going to afford to pay their bills, or feed and clothe their kids?”

E-mail messages of support to: Aberdeenstaff@unitetheunion.org

Pay online donations to: Sort Code: 608301 Account Number: 20174026 Unite Scotland 1% Fund Account. Please quote Reference: First Aberdeen dispute.

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